It's so good to be home again, we got married on the 4th of September and have had the most amazing week away in Yorkshire for our honeymoon. If you're in need of a treat weekend away check out Swinton Estate Hotel....
It's rather a glorious treat - also huge walled garden... need I say more? We're back home now and both back to work, for better or worse. I for one am excited to be back in the office revisiting designs I've got on the go and starting to muse over some new ones...
The garden has grown so much even in just the week we've been away, despite the warm dry weather... A few snaps of what's looking gorgeous:
I have to confess we haven't watered the newly planted garden any where near as much as I would have hoped (and the plants). Despite this they are all flourishing!
What are your plans for your garden? Are you hoping to spruce your outdoors space up next year? A full garden revamp or just the plant beds that need a refresh to look more cohesive... If you're hoping to have your garden designed & built please do remember that the whole process from initial consultation through concept designs, detailed drawings, getting quotes from contractors to your garden actually being built will take months.... if not longer depending on the scale of your plot. My one tip would be plan well ahead. If you're quick to get in contact with a designer now you'll most likely be booked in to start the design into the New Year, with the potential of having your garden build starting next Autumn ish (realistically autumn absolutely earliest...!!) ... that's a very rough guide.
Having your garden professionally designed and built is a huge investment, both financially and in terms of timescales (they really do take time... time, time, time) - it's also very exciting so don't rush into it in the hope of having a new garden by Spring.
- Research your designer, do you like their style?
- Book an initial consultation to meet them, do you love their personality? This is key as you'll have us on board for a while and there needs to be trust both ways.
- If you like both of the above consider getting us booked in!
If you're based in Norfolk or Suffolk and would like to find out more about having your garden transformed pop me an email or fill in my contacts form on my website.
I'll hop right to it and be in touch as soon as I can.
Hope to speak soon! E